Learn The Psychology Behind Every Successful Marketing Campaign

“The Secret Sauce” all GURUs and BIG brands don’t want you to know!


Dear Business Owner,

If you want to get more sales and customers than you can handle, hold onto your seat—this is going to be the most important information you will ever read.

Here is what this is all about:

My name is Artem Smirnov, and five short years ago I was dead broke.

Well, to say I was broke—actually it says nothing. I was desperate. You see, I owed more money than I was earning.

I had just started my business, and I was desperately searching for prospects, asking complete strangers just to speak with me in order to present them with my services.

I would wake up very early every day to make 50-60 cold calls and send 30 personalised emails and 10 videos to potential prospects.

I did this 7 days a week for (many) months. Grinding it out and “hustling“—I had always considered this the right way to get more clients.


I tried EVERY marketing tactic known to man,


and I really mean EVERYTHING, including funnels, chatbots, email sequences, Facebook ads, Google ads.

I bought many HIGH-END coaching programs, courses and masterminds. I paid very popular marketing GURUs for their OVERpriced consulting packages.

But still… nothing could create consistent results for me.

I wasted mucho months of my life and a lot of money trying to figure it out.

I tried out all sorts of ideas until one day—I hit the jackpot!

I swear, I’d never seen anything like this before. It was so simple I couldn’t believe nobody had ever thought of it before.

To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t have discovered this myself except for one day when I had a very curious “accident”.

I was watching Youtube before going to bed, and then I clicked on a video about Jeff Bezos. In that video, one guy, some Youtube blogger, said that Jeff Bezos’ business was so successful because it was built on this old-school premise: focus on the things that don’t change.

Immediately a question popped into my mind: “What does THAT mean?”

So I googled it and found this quote by Jeff Bezos:

“I very frequently get the question: “What’s going to change in the next 10 years?” And that is a very interesting question; it’s a very common one. I almost never get the question: “What’s not going to change in the next 10 years?” And I submit to you that that second question is actually the more important of the two — because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable over time.”

“…the last SEO hack, chatbots, the last Facebook bidding strategy, cheap Google Ads keywords…”

You see, at that time, I was doing the exact opposite.

I was constantly looking for things that change almost every month = the last SEO hack, chatbots, the last Facebook bidding strategy, cheap Google Ads keywords… but still couldn’t make it.

So I thought: “What doesn’t change with time?” “And why is it that so many successful companies don’t use the new Facebook ads features and still sell like crazy?”

And then I realized that the thing that doesn’t change with time is human psychology. You see, technologies are changing every day, but human psychology isn’t!

Big brands are not doing great because of using new strategies, they are doing great because they structure their marketing campaigns in such a way that you want to buy what they have automatically.

You often buy without even thinking about it too much, you just know you want it… and that’s it! You are sold before they even make you an offer!

“These Brands are not doing great because of using new strategies!”

So I started my research and found that all great marketing campaigns have a specific structure; one which creates a “buying mode ” that guarantees a lot of sales.

And it works the same for any traffic channel: Facebook Ads, Instagram, YouTube, Google, even your local newspaper… it doesn’t matter what the traffic channel is if you have the right structure.

I am not talking about the structure of an ad, I am talking about the structure of the whole marketing campaign, it is what they do to create this reaction in your mind: “I’m buying it. I want this thing now!”

And just at that moment, I decided to completely change my marketing strategy.

I started focusing on those things that don’t change.

And since then, I have put thousands of hours into research and over $400,000 into building something that works. 

And that is my own new system that creates this “buying mode ” — the system for attracting and converting strangers into high-paying dream clients.

New system that creates

this “buying mode”

I call it the “BM8 formula”. It consists of 8 elements that you need to have in your marketing campaign to generate this “buying mode” in the minds of your prospects. 

This unique system is the only thing in the world that predictably generates hundreds of leads every day like clockwork, and every single day without fail.

This system is tested and proven. It beats any funnel, chatbot, messenger on any of the standard traffic channels: Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, Youtube Ads, SEO, LinkedIn Ads.

Why? Because the BM8 formula is based on something that won’t change over time.

It is based on human psychology, not technology!

All you need to do is to make sure you have all 8 elements in your marketing campaign, plug it into any traffic channel, and you will get more customers than you can handle, guaranteed!

Seriously, one of my clients had problems with his bank account, and they called him to ask: “Where is all this money coming from?” and they warned him they could freeze his account to allow for a more in-depth investigation.

Crazy! Using my proven, secret, selling system, now in just ONE month he gets more clients than he used to get in 12 months!

“The power of the BM8 formula”

Now! Let me tell you this: You are at risk if you don’t understand that every other marketing strategy in the world except this one is designed and structured to destroy your business no matter how skilled you are with new technologies.

Because it doesn’t matter if your marketing campaign is NICE or not, you like it or not, if you use click funnels or not, if you use Google Ads or Facebook Ads…. the difference is not on the outside—it is on the inside, inside the mind of your prospect, the difference is in the HOW: HOW your prospects see and react to your marketing campaign.

The truth is this: people don’t see with their eyes. They see with their brain. They see THROUGH their eyes. They see with the cells of recognition in the brain!

So you need to make sure that the right cells are activated when people see your marketing message. To do that, you need to have the right structure in your marketing campaign with all 8 elements to make everything work FOR you, not against you.

“The difference is NOT on the outside – it is on the inside!”

This unique system can really improve your results faster than anything else you can do. As soon as you plug the BM8 formula into your marketing campaign, you will immediately see the difference!

Instead of thinking about where to get more clients, you will have to think about HOW to handle all these prospects coming in, pleading for your product or service.

You think my clients and friends who use this system and get great results are better marketers than you? No!

Probably most of them—until they used this new system—had never gotten any high conversions in their entire careers!

And here is what is funny: Even when they outperform all their competitors and even some top brands, they still look the same as before and still make mistakes and still experience some challenges—but none of these are ever about marketing and sales anymore! 🙂

So here is the deal.

My friends and clients have tried to stop me from sharing my proven marketing system with others, they say I need to package this information and charge at least $10,000 per person, but I don’t care!

I decided NOT to listen to them and give this system away for FREE. Why? Because it is the best damned thing I’ve ever come up with, and I want the world to know about it, and I want other people to succeed.

I want you to WIN. Also, I’m sick of all these marketing GURUs trying to sell you HOT air and not delivering on any of their promises.

Go ahead, click the button below—Get the book while it is still available. I can delete this page at any time and close the access.

Read this book today, use the information, take action, get crazy results with your marketing, get more sales, buy a house, or something you want to buy, and be happy.

At the end of the day, health and happiness are the most important things.

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. We don't believe in get-rich-quick programs. We believe in hard work, adding value and serving others. As stated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. We're here to help by giving you our greatest strategies to move you forward, faster. But your results in life are up to you.